Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)

Environmental Product Declarations for Admixtures

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) are important tools for providing admixture users with key information with regard to the potential impacts of materials.

Since 2005 EFCA has published a series of EPD covering Plasticising and Superplasticising admixtures, Accelerators, Retarders, Air Entrainers and Waterproofers. Since the publication of common guidance for EPD in the form of EN 15804 (ref) in 2012 EFCA has worked in close cooperation with Deutsche Bauchemie to convert these to Model European EPD in conformance with both EN 15804 and ISO 14025.
These have been independently verified by the respected German ECO-Platform programme holder Instut Bauen und Umvelt e.V. (IBU). In October 2016 the EPDs were also confirmed as verified by ECO PLATFORM.

The EPD are available for free download on the Publications page.

EPD enable producers of construction materials to carry out ‘Life Cycle Analysis and Assessment’ on new structures.

The term ‘Model’ EPD refers to the choice to publish data that refers to the highest impact versions of each admixture type across the EFCA member countries products. This means that using this data is conservative but reliably reflects actual products.

EFCA National association company members have contributed data to this process and can declare through an agreed calculation method that the EFCA EPD are applicable to their individual products. Because data specific to EFCA members has been used for the underpinning life cycle analysis for the EPD, the EFCA Model EPD do not apply to companies that are not members of the EFCA National Associations.

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